Test 1
The first test with the code name TEST1 took place on May 17, 2014 in the Gulf of Heraklion, north of the island of Dia at a location with water depths over 300 m and aimed to measure the sound speed profile in this region and to check the proper functioning and measuring the emission level of the sound pulse generating device (pinger) to be used in the main experiments.
The image shows the path of the boat during the experiment. The yellow line shows the path of the boat from and towards the area of the experiment. The pink line (AB) shows the path of the boat during the first phase of the experiment (depth-temperature observation), the green line (DG) shows the path during the measurement of the signal and the emission level of the pinger. At position D the dumping of the pinger took place.
Test 2
The second test with the code name TEST2 took place on May 27, 2014 in the Gulf of Heraklion and at the south of the island of Dia. The purpose of the experiment was on the one hand to check the possibility of receiving the emitted acoustic signal of the sound pulse generator (pinger) within a distance of a few killometers and on the other hand to record direct and surface reflected receptions of the signal at varying distances.
The experiment was carried out with the setting of the pulse generator (pinger) to a certain depth and the recording of the transmitted signal as the boat was moving away from the point of immersion
The figure shows the path of the boat during the experiment with code name TEST-2 . The blue line shows the path of the ship (from point A where the dumping of the pinger took place to the point B where the pinger was recovered) and the red line shows the path of the pinger because of the underwater current prevailing during the experiment.
Test 3
The experiment with code name TEST-3 took place on October 5th, 2014 in the Gulf of Heraklion, south of Dia Island and in a water depth of 150 to 200 m approximately. The purpose of the experiment was the calibration of the depth sensor of the two hydrophone arrays (array-1 and array-2) up to 150 m depth. Here is in red the ship's route during the testing of array-1 and with green color the path of the ship during the test of array-2.
Test 4
The experiment with code name TEST-4 took place on November 5th, 2014 in the Gulf of Heraklion, south of the island of Dia and around the same area Test 3 was conducted. The aim of the experiment was to evaluate the dynamic behavior of arrays in towing and stopping conditions and test the functionality of the hydrophone with the help of pulse sound source (pinger). Here is the path of the ship during the experiment