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General information of the SEAEARS experiments

In the framework of the SEA-EARS program two main experiments (with code names RayLoc-1 and RayLoc-2) were conducted. Prior to the main experiments, four preliminary experiments took place for the optimal preparation of the two main ones.

The purpose of RayLoc-1 and RayLoc-2 was the passive acoustic localization of broadband sources laying in the water column (e.g. vocalizing cetaceans) or on the seabed (e.g. underwater locator beacons) as well as the acoustic localization of sperm whales. The first experiment took place in a shallow water environment and concerned only the localization of broadband sources (pingers), while the second took place in a deep sea environment in a region within the Greek Trench, along which are often encountered sperm whales and it concerned locating both sperm whales and pingers.

The purpose of the preliminary experiments (with code names Test1-4) was to test the instruments and also to perform an initial study of sound propagation conditions in the area of interest. Follow the links below for detailed information on the SEA-EARS experiments.